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18 Indoor Hammocks to Take a Relaxing Snooze In Any Time

Hammocks are typically used outside, but that doesn’t mean you can’t break the rules a bit and bring them inside by adding one to your bedroom, living room, sunroom, or even your attic! If you have the space for it and the tools to hang one securely, then why not? If you’re not yet convinced it’ll look good, maybe the following examples will change your mind about it.

By the Window

There’s no better place to put a hammock than beside a huge window, if you have one! Check out this elegant example from Remodelista in a bright room that has a library feel to it. Another from Design Sponge features a hammock by two large windows in a modern living room.

Elegant hammock over a Moroccan Beni Quarain Rug
Elegant hammock over a Moroccan Beni Quarain Rug
Hammock hung by two large windows
Hammock hung by two large windows

Depending on where the best light is in your home, you may have to do some experimenting. A hammock from One King’s Lane is shown below in a sunny spot by the front door:

Hammock hung in a sunny spot right by the front door
Hammock hung in a sunny spot right by the front door

You may not know it by looking at it, but this is actually a house boat! Featured on Remodelista, a hammock hangs right beside the large sliding window doors.

Hammock near the window of a house boat
Hammock near the window of a house boat

It could be a little cramped, but if you have a small sunroom or enclosed porch, then it could be the perfect place for a hammock. Here’s one from Historias De Casa that’s just the right fit.

Pink hammock in a sunroom
Pink hammock in a sunroom

Another international site, Stadshem, has a hammock that brings some Bohemian color to a bright sunroom.

Bohemian-style sunroom with hammock
Bohemian-style sunroom with hammock

Attic Getaway

If you’re lucky enough to have an attic that you can hang out in, then make sure you consider working a hammock into your decor! Check out these two very different but stunning examples from The Glamorous Housewife and Hegegreenall-Scholtz.

Hammock sanctuary in an attic
Hammock sanctuary in an attic
Bright red and orange hammock in a spacious attic
Bright red and orange hammock in a spacious attic

Peaceful and White

Hammocks come in all different colors and designs, but sometimes, you just can’t go wrong with keeping it white — or at least netural. Here’s a simple cream-colored hammock added to a bedroom at the Hotel Daniel in Vienna, featured on Remodelista.

Hammock in bedroom at the Hotel Daniel in Vienna
Hammock in bedroom at the Hotel Daniel in Vienna

If you love the Scandinavian look, you may want to take a look at this hammock from Home My Design.

Hammock in a Scandinavian bedroom
Hammock in a Scandinavian bedroom

How about no color at all?! This white hammock featured on Travel Shopa still stands out amidst all those white walls and beautiful wooden beams and accents.

Large hammock in white room with wood accents
Large hammock in white room with wood accents

Although sold out for now, Urban Outfitters has a gorgeous macrame hammock that can bring a touch of elegance to almost any room.

Macrame hammock from Urban Outfitters
Macrame hammock from Urban Outfitters

Not a Paper House shows you how to dress up your hammock with some linens, for a super comfy look.

White hammock with comfy blankets and pillows
White hammock with comfy blankets and pillows

Between Two Rooms

Believe it or not, a hammock can even work around the kitchen, or the dining area, or the living room. Here’s a kitchen featured on The Huffington Post that makes a spot right beside the kitchen and living room near a window for a gorgeous white hammock.

Hammock besides a kitchen
Hammock besides a kitchen

Sometimes it’s easy enough to create a bit of a separation from the kitchen with some different furniture pieces and accessories, like using this shelving unit beside a kitchen. Again from Design Sponge, here’s something that makes a nice spot for a hammock.

Hammock hung between the kitchen and a bright window
Hammock hung between the kitchen and a bright window

A hammock from Planet Deco demonstrates how to use a hammock as an additional lounging area in a living room, beside a couch and right near a big window.

Colorful and bright apartment with a hammock in the living room
Colorful and bright apartment with a hammock in the living room

In Place of a Couch

If you had to choose between a hammock and a couch, would you choose a hammock? Some people do! Check out this crazy colorful living room hammock that takes the place of a couch, featured on My Cakies.

Colorful hammock added to a room in place of a couch
Colorful hammock added to a room in place of a couch

And hey, what if there’s nowhere you can secure your hammock from? There’s a clever Instructables tutorial that shows you how to make your very own indoor hammock stand.

Hammock that comes with a stand
Hammock that comes with a stand

So what do you think about hammocks inside the home? Would you consider it? Let us know with a comment.

Elise Moreau

I write for decoist.

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