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DIY Pet Bed Ideas to Pamper Your Furry Friends

If there’s one thing your pet deserves, it’s a lovely and cozy sleeping space, and you should provide just that. You’re probably thinking “ugh, it’s so hard to pick from the store”. We’ll let you in on a little secret – nothing beats custom-made!

There are several DIY pet bed ideas to pick from, but before you go with one, you have to consider your pet’s preferences and even the color scheme of your home. As much as you’re thinking of your pet, you also want to keep your home looking nice.

It’s time to get your creativity running at an all-time high and make something special for your fur friend. Your pet will be happy and you will too. These are 9 simple but chic ideas you can try.

Recycled Tire Bed

Recycling is always a good idea as it’s a great way to support the environment. You get to save the planet and get a cute sleeping space for your dog. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. An unused tire is one you probably already have or can get at a low cost from any junkyard near you. Aside from the tire itself, you’ll need spray paint and a round bed. Black dirty color is likely not what you have in mind for your pet so spray paint with any color of your choice. You also need to have a round bed to put inside the tire so your dog can lie comfortably.

Recycled Tire Bed
Recycled Tire Pet Bed


Upcycled Table Drawer

Old tables are usually found in yard sales or you might be considering changing the one in your study. You can have the drawers removed and turn them into beds for your pets. Depending on the condition they are in, you might need to repaint them or you can choose to leave them rustic. You’ll need a square or rectangular pillow to place inside the drawers so your pets can have a soft and fluffy place to sleep.

Upcycled Table Drawer
Upcycled Old Table Drawers


End Table Pet Bed

You know how lately furniture is built to have more than one function and sometimes, these functions are not too obvious. There are designs like a chair that opens up to reveal a book chest or an open compartment in an end table that can be transformed into a pet bed. You will need a pillow-shaped the same way as the compartment. Having a blanket in there might not be a bad idea. The table can be used as a normal table with fixed items placed on it.

End Table Pet Bed
End Table Dog Bed



Wooden Dog Crate

Crates can serve many different purposes for which a bed spot for your pet is one. Crates can be found lying idly around your house or can be bought at a cheap price. If you buy a new crate, it will likely not need a new coat of paint but you might want it in a different color so spray paint will come in handy. Get ready for the cutest sight when your dog makes faces at you through the spaces in the crate.

Wooden Dog Crate
Wide Wooden Dog Crate


Custom Made Dog House Frame

The beautiful thing about DIY projects is how they turn out to be unique to you. You can always make them suit your particular need. This also applies to making a dog house frame by yourself. You can make it as large or as small as you want. You also get to use less wood since you’re not making a complete structure. The color is left to you to decide.

Custom Made Dog House Frame


Cat Tent from Old T-shirt and Wire Hanger

This is one of the easiest DIY pet bed ideas on this list. There’s no sewing required in case you’re terrible with a needle. What you need is a big t-shirt, two wire coat hangers, a piece of cardboard, pins, tape, and pliers. The t-shirt should be a pretty one as it determines the final look of the tent. You need the plier to bend and cut part of the wire hangers while the cardboard, pins, and tape are to make sure everything is securely in place. This should only take a couple of minutes to make. You then have a warm and cozy spot for your cat.

Cat Tent from Old T-shirt and Wire Hanger
Cat Tent


Four Poster Pet Bed

It’s as simple as turning an old table upside down and filling the hollow part with warm blankets, pillows, or a rectangular bed. The design of the wood determines how beautiful it would look. Repainting might be in order if there’s a need for it.

Four Poster Pet Bed
Pinterest/Jeanie Mimi Wallace
Four Poster Bed
Pinterest/Carol Sage


Simple Sewn Envelope Bed

This requires a bit of sewing skills as you’ll have to follow a pattern. It’s quite easy to make and it’s great especially if you have a dog who likes to be under blankets. You’ll need fleece and pillow stuffing for this envelope bed.

Simple Sewn Envelope Bed
Simple Sewn Dog Bed


Box Bed For Cats

It’s common knowledge that cats can be picky with where they sleep but they sure do love curling up in packaging boxes. If you’re not great at sewing, you’re in luck as this is a no-sew DIY project. You’ll need a large packaging box, pillow stuffing, fabric, and glue. Packaging boxes are not usually fancy so it’s your job to make them look pretty for your cat. Choose a colorful fabric and use it to wrap all sides of the box. Also, wrap the pillow stuffing with fabric and place it carefully inside the box. Voila, your cat’s box bed is ready.

Box Bed for Cats


Your first duty as a pet owner is to make your pet feel safe and comfortable, and one of the ways of ensuring that is paying attention to its sleeping area. With this list, there are lots of options you can pick from that suit your pet needs, the materials you have, and your level or type of skill. It’s a fun project and your pet will love any of these DIY pet bed ideas you end up creating. 




Emmanuel Ojodun

I write for decoist.

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