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25 Small Pantry Ideas Offer Extra Kitchen Storage

The modern kitchen is a space that demands plenty in terms of both ergonomics and aesthetics. You need to combine storage with smart displays and the right hues to find that perfect balance between the two. There are plenty of ways in which you can expand your kitchen storage options. Some like the glass-door cabinets and open shelves provide more transparency and create a light, cheerful atmosphere. Others like the cabinets with wooden doors and kitchen island units place practicality ahead of aesthetics. But an often underused and underestimated space is the kitchen pantry – a delight even in its tiniest form!

Space underneath the staircase can be easily transformed into a pantry

The small kitchen pantry gives you a ton storage space and all you need inside is the right combination of shelves, drawers and other space-savvy units to deliver exactly what you need. While we have seen huge pantries in some extravagant homes that are as big as most master bedrooms or even kitchens, a nifty, efficient and elegant tiny pantry can offer pretty much the same storage unit by turning to the vertical room on offer. This is a look at the 25 best small pantries and how one can change the entire appeal of your kitchen as well –

One with Kitchen Cabinets

A pantry need not always be a space in itself; a separate room or spacious niche that is connected with the kitchen. The small pantry can look much like your regular kitchen shelf but with a bit more volume and storage space. If you are a small family or live on your own, then you generally do not need a pantry much bigger than those shown below. They can be easily integrated with your existing kitchen shelves by using similar doors and a lazy susan at the bottom of it should make it a whole lot more flexible. You can even earmark drawers for specific items to make the storage lot more organized.

RELATED: 10 Unique Pantries that Usher Textural Beauty into Modern Kitchen

Contemporary pantry with smart drawers can be hidden when not needed
Even a cabinet can be turned into a pantry with ease in the small kitchen
Exquisite folding cabinets and shelves for the small, smart pantry
Sliding barn style door for the small kitchen pantry
Small and space-savvy pantry design idea that opens up when needed! [From: Wood-Mode]
Smart pantry makes organizing super-easy in the kitchen [From: BML Media]
Transitional kitchen with tiny pantry
Contemporary modern pantry with pull-out drawers saves ample space

Slim Pantry Ideas

We love the idea of the slim pantry that slides out of the wall with ease. Modern storage units that can easily disappear into the neutral backdrop of the kitchen make the slim pantry a possibility. Some of these units utilize the vertical area on offer and others take the approach of maximizing space between two different cabinets. All you need here is the right slide-out unit, a niche in the workstation or the wall or just a series of wall shelves that can be morphed with ease. Chalk out a simple renovation project in your existing kitchen and soon you should have a smart, space-savvy and cost-effective pantry ready.

RELATED: Finding the Right Pantry for your Kitchen: Styles, Size and Storage

Modern traditional kitchen with a pantry that can be tucked away into the walls!
Pull-out drawers allow you to turn even a small nook into pantry
Pull-out pantry design makes use or vertical space without wastage of square footage
Slim slide-out pantry tucks away all your kitchen supplies with ease [From: Murray & Ball Furniture]
Spacious white kitchen with slim pantry design
Traditional kitchen cabinet with pantry built into it
Add a lazy susan to your pantry to make it even more efficient [From: Gilmans Kitchens and Baths / Treve Johnson Photography]
Folding doors and slim shelves make the pantry even more space-conscious [From: Brayer Design / Nick Smith Photography]

Color, Contrast and More

The small pantry can add plenty in terms of both color and contrast to the modern kitchen. By keeping the kitchen neutral and giving the open pantry a bright backdrop, one instantly gives the space a lovely focal point. The tiny pantry door can also add additional textural beauty to the kitchen as you can choose between a wide range of variety and finishes. Be it the frosted glass door, the chalkboard pantry door, the sliding barn style door or the modern, colorful door, your choice depends on both the style that you are shooting for and the overall appeal of the pantry itself.

RELATED: 11 DIY Storage Ideas for the Small and Space-Savvy Kitchen

Contemporary kitchen with pantry in the corner
Fabulous pantry with sliding chalkboard door also doubles as a cool display
Finding the pantry that fits with your minimal storage needs! [From: Palmerston Design Consultants]
Pantry doors in blue offer additional storage space [From: Blakes London]
Simple shelf can be easily turned into a pantry with no doors! [From: A Closet Case]
Tiny pantry can be integrated with the kitchen cabinets with ease
Turn part of your kitchen shelving into pantry for a more organized interior [From: Brayer Design]
Bespoke traditional kitchen with a smart pantry in the backdrop [From: Charlie Kingham – Guildford]

Charlie Golsley

I write for decoist.

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