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Organize Your Closet with a Capsule Wardrobe

If you saw the title of this post and thought “What’s a capsule wardrobe?!,” never fear. I’ll be filling you in shortly. If you’re already a fan of capsule wardrobes, today’s post is also for you, as we’ll be taking a look at the closet organization possibilities that result from streamlining your wardrobe. Read on for some fabulous photos that celebrate the best of fashion and interior design… [photo from Betty’s Room]

Contemporary closet with modern touches
Contemporary closet with modern touches

Capsule Wardrobe Basics

Let’s start with the basics: a capsule wardrobe is a small selection of your favorite clothing items and accessories, including shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, jackets and coats. [photo below from Enjoy It]

Capsule wardrobe basics from Elise Blaha of Enjoy It
Autumn and winter capsule wardrobe basics from Elise Blaha of Enjoy It

Just how small are we talking about here?! While there’s no set size, many capsule wardrobes consist of between 30-40 items. However, a capsule wardrobe should mostly include essential items, and the contents typically change on a seasonal basis. Are you planning a capsule wardrobe for spring? [from Amory Brown]

Contemporary minimalist closet
Contemporary minimalist closet

I definitely am! And here’s why: capsule wardrobes help implement a “less is more” mode of thinking that can be extremely helpful for people on a budget, as well as those trying to simplify their lives. Not to mention, I find shopping to be overwhelming, so this less is more approach is the perfect strategy for me. [image from Camille Styles]

Less is more in a capsule wardrobe
Less is more in a capsule wardrobe

After a few months of capsule wardrobe bliss (which helps clarify the main clothing items that you find comfortable and stylish -basically, the items that make you feel like “you”), selective shopping is second nature. [from Greenleaf Lighting Ltd.]

Well-organized closets result from capsule wardrobes
Well-organized closets result from capsule wardrobes

In other words, you’re less likely to purchase items because they catch your eye, and more likely to purchase them because they make sense. Because you’ll wear them. And because they truly fit your lifestyle. Goodbye impulse buys! [from Alex Lukey Photography for Pause Architecture and Interiors]

Capsule wardrobe style
Capsule wardrobe style

Not to mention, compiling a capsule wardrobe is a great way to organize your closet. By packing away out-of-season items and donating others that simply aren’t useful, you can clear the way for the clothing that you wear most. [photo from Lou Bushell Photography for Maple & Gray]

Small closets benefit from the capsule wardrobe concept
Small closets benefit from the capsule wardrobe concept

Suddenly the most important items are front and center, making it easy for you to reach for the things you love most. Capsule wardrobes are ideal for those of us with small closets. Some people even display their capsule wardrobes on industrial racks that can be wheeled to any location. [Capsule wardrobe from A Beautiful Mess]

Capsule wardrobe from A Beautiful Mess
Capsule wardrobe from A Beautiful Mess

Yes, even if you don’t have closet space, your capsule wardrobe can take center stage in the corner of your bedroom. The look is modern and very on-trend, as capsule wardrobes are the new “it” organizational strategy for the closet. Ready to take a closer look at how to make the concept of a capsule wardrobe a true reality?… [photo from Frogged Designs]

Capsule wardrobe by Frogged Designs
Capsule wardrobe by Frogged Designs

Capsule Wardrobe Strategies

In the second half of today’s post, I’ll be sharing a few of my favorite capsule wardrobe strategies, complete with links where you can read more about how the featured bloggers created their own capsule wardrobes. I’ll end with a plan for my own strategy, and maybe (just maybe) I’ll share some photos in a future post!

A capsule wardrobe means fewer hangers
A capsule wardrobe means fewer hangers

One of the top capsule wardrobe posts comes from Caroline of Unfancy. Her strategy: learning to be happy with a lot less by narrowing down her wardrobe to 37 pieces. Read more about her capsule adventure here.

Capsule wardrobe featuring neutral tones
Capsule wardrobe featuring neutral tones

Not to mention, Caroline was invited to guest post for Camille Styles, and one of her top tips includes using the rule of 3. For example, she chooses 9 pair of shoes – 3 pair of flats, 3 pair of heels and 3 pair of boots. Within each group of 3, one pair reflects classic style, one pair makes a statement, and one pair falls somewhere in between. Read more about here strategy here. [from C&M Studio]

Three white shirts in a penthouse closet
Three white shirts in a penthouse closet

Courtney of Project 333 writes about her capsule collection, which includes 33 items that will be worn for a 3-month period. She began by brainstorming each item she would need, including pieces such as sunglasses, bracelets and a scarf. Get all the details here.

Capsule wardrobe styling
Capsule wardrobe styling

Whether or not you plan your capsule wardrobe down to each accessory is up to you. I personally love planning out each detail, which leads me to my personal strategy. Details will follow. [from Fashion Me Green]

Colorful capsule wardrobe
Colorful capsule wardrobe

The first thing I’m going to do is purge my closet of obvious outdated items. I have two pair of ripped jeans and two pair of shoes with holes that definitely need to go. Donating clothes to Goodwill is a great option for unloading unwanted items. [from Galleryhip]

Donating clothes is the first step
Donating clothes is the first step

For me, the next step is assessing what I have. When it comes to capsule closets, the basics are key. Rather than incorporating each and every item into your capsule, start with the items you wear most. These are typically pieces that are comfortable and flattering. Since I’m on a tight budget and don’t have much time to shop this spring, I’m aiming for around 25-30 items. [from The Stow Company]

Well-organized small closet
Well-organized small closet

Among these items will be a few new purchases. To get through spring, I need 1-2 new pair of shoes and a couple of new shirts. I plan on making a few necklaces from beads and other interesting adornments I have at home. Sometimes a little bit of creativity goes a long way when it comes to rounding out a capsule wardrobe! [DIY necklace from A Beautiful Mess]

DIY necklace from A Beautiful Mess
DIY necklace from A Beautiful Mess

I can’t wait to get started! I have a hunch that once I have all of the items in place, I’ll enjoy getting ready for each day that much more. What about you? Are you ready to create your own capsule wardrobe?…

Kate Simmons

Kate Simmons is a freelance writer and design blogger with a love of all things decor. She spent her childhood writing stories and working on interior design-themed DIY projects. Kate’s published writing reflects her special interest in how design has changed through the decades. Her blog Mirror80 ( http://mirror80.com/) explores the fashion and [...]

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