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Weekend Spring Cleaning Strategies That Make A Big Impact

Spring is officially here, and it’s time to celebrate the new season. Each March, I get a big burst of spring cleaning energy. Sometimes it hits when I least expect it, like on a Saturday when I find myself going through that giant pile of papers on my desk instead of watching movies from the comfort of my couch as planned. Two years ago I wrote this post on spring cleaning. Who doesn’t love a fresh start?! [from Mary Crimmins]

Gathering supplies for spring cleaning
Gathering supplies for spring cleaning

Today’s post is a companion piece, offering some simple strategies for spring cleaning–ideas that can easily be executed on a weekend. After all, the list of tasks for a true, thorough spring clean-out can be endless. But sometimes focusing on a few key areas of the home can make a big impact, giving you the second wind you need to keep the momentum going over the next couple of weeks. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in! [from Cleaning Dolls]

Time for spring cleaning
Time for spring cleaning

The main idea behind today’s post: getting rid of extra “stuff”. Sometimes this stuff is dust on the surfaces of tables and shelves. Other times, it’s the stuff we accumulate over years, like clothes we no longer wear (and show no signs of wearing in the future). Below I’ve featured three tasks for getting the spring cleaning ball rolling. When you’re finished with these, you may be inspired to tackle bigger jobs, such as organizing your garage. Or maybe you’ll be content to stop and congratulate yourself on a job well done!

Clean Out Your Closet

The key is to start with a task that grabs your interest. Perhaps your cluttered closet has been annoying you for months, and you’ve been trying to find some time to weed out the clothing you no longer wear. The promise of a clean space (with more room to store new spring fashion items) may be all you need to get motivated! [from My Home Life]

Cluttered closet
Cluttered closet

While there’s no magic time frame by which to judge the necessity of your clothing, some claim that if you haven’t worn an item in over a year, chances are you won’t again. However, there are always exceptions. Other ways to make the call: if the clothes are stained, pilling, unraveling or uncomfortable, it’s time to say goodbye. Also note if the item is still in style, fits well, and flatters you. [from Charade]

Clothing and accessories
Clothing and accessories

Remember that cleaning out a closet isn’t just a matter of getting rid of things. Sometimes a bit of shuffling is involved. Do you pack away winter sweaters for spring or move them to a less prominent area of the closet? Now is the time to make these changes. [from Art of Wore]

Winter sweaters
Winter sweaters

Don’t forget about your shoes! While I don’t own a very large number of shoes, I’m guilty of keeping more than several uncomfortable pairs around “in case I need them one day”. What I really need: shoes that are good for my feet. By donating or tossing the shoes that I frequently refuse to wear because of their poor comfort level, I’m opening the door to better footwear possibilities! [from S.L. Smith Photography]

Colorful shoes in a row
Colorful shoes in a row

Now is also a great time to focus on accessories. Are there scarves, belts and hats that need to move out? Is there a better way to organize these items? With your closest refreshed, you just might rediscover favorite clothes, shoes and accessories that have been buried under the clutter. Plus, you’ll have room to store new finds that you acquire during your spring shopping endeavors! [from Stylitics]

Organized closet
Organized closet

Remove Expired Perishables from Your Pantry and Cabinets

Can you see a theme here? Yes, there’s an amazing freedom that results when you let go of items that you no longer need. Plus, this type of cleaning can inspire you to be more diligent about monitoring perishable items in the future. For example, after one particularly difficult refrigerator clean-out session, my hubby and I decided to scan the fridge each week before taking out the recycling. Why stockpile empty jars of yogurt and mustard for months?! [from Garage Envy]

Colorful tidy pantry
Colorful tidy pantry

Two areas of the home where the excess items may not be as obvious are your cabinets and pantry. Start with the kitchen. Are there canned items that you can donate? Are there dry goods that are stale and simply need to be tossed? [from Food Endeavors of the Blue Apocalypse]

Packaged food pantry items
Packaged food pantry items

Then there are the kitchen cabinets. Is there Tupperware that has seen better days? Are there herbs that need to be refreshed? Is it time to donate that coffee mug collection that you never seem to use? [from Clean Living Magazine]

Plastic food storage containers
Plastic food storage containers

It may also be time to relocate items that are out of reach. If you find yourself grabbing the step stool on a regular basis, perhaps some of the dishware you are straining to grab should be stored on the lower shelves. [from Ekobo Home via Design Milk]

Colorful bamboo dishware
Colorful bamboo dishware

Cleaning the cabinets isn’t just an activity for the kitchen. Don’t forget about the powder room! I try and go through grooming products and medications in my bathroom cabinets a couple times a year, tossing items that are out of date and making a note NOT to purchase certain items in the future (like that curling hair gel that created more frizz than wave). [from Restoration Hardware]

Organized medicine cabinet
Organized medicine cabinet

Deep Clean Your Home

I don’t know about you, but I’m very aware that there are different levels of cleaning. For example, wiping down the kitchen counters is one great way to clean your culinary space. But if you really want to be thorough, you scrub the sink. There’s nothing like giving your home a good vacuuming. But how often do you really use the attachments to clean along the edges of the room? [from Gretawire]

Vacuuming in style
Vacuuming in style

Maybe you’re a person who tends to the details every time you clean. I’ll admit it–I’m not. When I have a few minutes here and there, I’ll pick a task and run with it. I’ll even delve into more involved cleaning endeavors on a weekly basis. But devoting an afternoon to really cleaning my home is not something I do often. There’s no better time for cleaning from top to bottom than spring! [from Woodard]

Dusting in hard-to-reach places
Dusting in hard-to-reach places

Start with the dusting. This may kick up some pet hair and small particles, so complete this step before you vacuum. I love using special wipes, such as the dusting cloths made by Swiffer. I use them on tables, shelves, baseboards and more. Don’t forget those cobwebs near the ceiling, or my personal favorite (NOT)–the mini blinds! [from Prevention]

Dusting each surface with care
Dusting each surface with care

Now we move on to the cleaning. Wipe down tables, dressers and shelves. Clean your countertops, tubs and sinks. Yes, even the mirrors. Are there scuffs on walls? One spring, I found that Clorox wipes were really helpful in removing stray markings from areas such as the outside of the bathtub. Now is a great time to tend to those dirty spots that have been annoying you for months! [from Life in the Grateful House]

Homemade cleaning products in spray bottles
Homemade cleaning products in spray bottles

End this phase of your cleaning with a good vacuuming and mopping. If you feel inspired, remove the cushions from your couch and vacuum those stray particles that fall between the cracks. You may even discover some spare change and other lost items. Spot-clean your rugs if you have any energy left. Or even better, get your carpets cleaned! [from AARP.org]

Mopping the kitchen floor
Mopping the kitchen floor

When it comes to weekend spring cleaning, I recommend de-cluttering on a Saturday afternoon, then taking a break. Sunday afternoon you can start back in with the deep cleaning–dusting, mopping, etc. As mentioned above, begin with a task that you’re kind of looking forward to. For me, it was cleaning out my clothes closet to make room for new purchases. What’s your starter task? What are you waiting for?!

Kate Simmons

Kate Simmons is a freelance writer and design blogger with a love of all things decor. She spent her childhood writing stories and working on interior design-themed DIY projects. Kate’s published writing reflects her special interest in how design has changed through the decades. Her blog Mirror80 ( http://mirror80.com/) explores the fashion and [...]

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