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Interior Design Tips for the New Year

Anyone else notice how Christmas flew by this year? With Thanksgiving being so late in the season, the holiday quickly passed, and it was just a few short weeks before Christmas was in full effect. And many of us played catch-up during much of that time! With that said, I hope each and every one of you savored at least one special moment over the last few days. Whether it was celebrating family traditions with your nearest and dearest, enjoying a holiday coffee with a friend, or engaging in some much-needed down time, rejuvenation (with a dose of togetherness) is always a good idea!

The festive sparkle of a new year...
The festive sparkle of a new year…

…And that brings me to today’s post. Immediately after Christmas, I start looking forward to the new year–the rejuvenation and sparkle I hope it will bring. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit sad about the inevitable take-down of the holiday decorations. Or maybe it’s because I hope I can avoid the winter blues during the cold weeks that will follow. But looking ahead to the fresh start that 2014 will bring, I can’t help but turn my attention to the design realm. Today I’ll share a few interior design tips for the new year. These are tasks I’m personally hoping to accomplish as well. And if I have any luck, I promise to share the results in future blog posts. Here’s to a creative new year!

Get Organized

I’ll start with the obvious–organization. But it doesn’t have to be tedious! Which areas of your home need a little organizational help? Your garage? Your make-up drawer? Your kitchen pantry? Just because it’s time to make things tidy doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun in the process. Once you’ve cleaned out unwanted items, take pride in arranging what’s left. You just might enjoy it a little…

Tidy grooming products
Tidy grooming products

Sometimes the most effective forms of organization are the small ones. Don’t think that you have to gut your entire closet or clean out your storage shed to make a big impact. If you’re short on time, start with something basic, such as your jewelry. Purchase a helpful organizational tool such as a jewelry tree (pictured below). Donate any items that are no longer in use. I have a pile of tangled necklaces in my top bathroom drawer. That should keep me busy for awhile…

Jewelry organization
Jewelry organization

Welcome New Color Combinations

One of my design goals for the new year is to welcome different color combinations to my home. With lots of white walls, the space is in need of some eye-catching visuals. One of my sources of inspiration: designer Rafael de Cárdenas of Architecture at Large. Bold geometry and vibrant color are two of his design staples. Below we see the living room of the designer’s apartment, which was featured in this article from Sight Unseen.

Dining room of interior designer Rafael de Cardenas
Dining room of interior designer Rafael de Cardenas

An example of an unusual color scheme I’m currently crazy about: berry tones juxtaposed with yellow. It started with an image of a dining room filled with lavenders, blues and mauves–an image from one of my favorite design magazines! On the dining room table in the photo was a big bowl of lemons. The seed was planted… From that point on, I’ve been on the lookout for ways to bring this look to my home. Especially if lemons are involved! Below we see a few pieces from my ’80s Deco vase collection, along with 1980s artwork titled Rio Blue Mesa II by Scott Nellis:

Berry tones and yellow make a fetching combination
Berry tones and yellow make a fetching combination

Express Yourself with DIY Art Projects

We at Decoist love a good DIY wall art project! In fact, DIY art gives us a chance to showcase our creativity while honoring any budget. I have many blank walls in my home, and they are screaming for some colorful artwork. I think 2014 is my year! Here is an art piece I created using paper strips (see below). For a full tutorial, head on over to my retro design blog Mirror80.

DIY paper strip project
DIY paper strip project

Make Design a Part of Your Entertaining Style

Do you plan on doing your share of entertaining in 2014? If you love good design and you appreciate the value of a well-prepared meal, why not combine the two and create beautifully presented dishes of delicious food? It never hurts to embellish your favorite edibles with eye-catching elements, such as a rim of confetti sugar around the bowl of a dessert snack…

Festive food presentation
Festive food presentation

Select fruits and veggies based on their healthy glow. Display them with flair. At the same time, make sure guests know that while your party trays might be pretty, they are definitely to be eaten and enjoyed!

Fruit skewers with style
Fruit skewers with style

Create a Statement with Plants

Today’s final design tip: Don’t forget about the role of plants when it comes to design in the new year! You don’t have to be an avid gardener to enjoy beautiful greenery. A slew of low-maintenance options awaits you, including air plants, which require little care. While many think air plants do fine without water, note that these tropical selections do benefit from hydration. Check with your local nursery for care tips specific to your air plant of choice. You can also enjoy arranging air plants in vases and glass containers. They will stylishly sit in the receptacle of your choice…

An air plant design vignette
An air plant design vignette

One of my biggest design projects for 2014 is the landscaping of my side yard. It’s the one space we had to ignore when we moved to our new place. We definitely filled our front yard and back yard with plants. And this spring, we will have a good idea about which of our selections survived the winter. Our plan is to pick the sturdiest of the bunch and use them to landscape our side yard space. I hope to share the results on Decoist!

Blue agave plant
Blue agave plant

Do you have design goals for 2014? Don’t forget to share them in the comments section below…

Kate Simmons

Kate Simmons is a freelance writer and design blogger with a love of all things decor. She spent her childhood writing stories and working on interior design-themed DIY projects. Kate’s published writing reflects her special interest in how design has changed through the decades. Her blog Mirror80 ( http://mirror80.com/) explores the fashion and [...]

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