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Kick Away your Home’s Winter Blues with Indoor Plants

You don’t have to let the winter blues take the shine away from your home. A lot of homeowners have been able to kick away these blues by bringing in indoor plants into their homes. This means that while you are protecting these plants from the harsh and cold weather outside, they will also brighten and enhance the charm in your living space, all through the dull winter period. With the use of architectural planters, the beauty of your home’s interiors can be greatly enhanced.

houseplants interiors
Houseplants can warm your modern interiors

Image: M-Architecture – via

Penthouse dining room with indoor plants
Penthouse dining room with indoor plants


With these few creative ideas, you can add a springy charm to your foyer, living room, entryway and even bathroom.

Warm up your Living Room and Foyer:

You can put in miniature tress with green foliage and colorful buds in visually appealing but functional pots in corners of your living room. Whether you choose to have these plants in glass terrarium pots or shallow pans, they have a unique way of bringing in warmth into your home in the winter.One plant that has found its way into the interiors of homes without looking out of place is the tree ferns. An exotic plant, it can transform your lobby and make it livelier even as the cold winter wind blows outside.

houseplants planter hallway
Houseplants can brighten a cold hallway

Image: CCS -Architecture

consevatory plants flowers
Light your home with plants

Image: Town and Country Us – via

Elegant indoor house plants for the living room
Elegant indoor house plants for the living room

by Wade Griffith Photography

A bit of life with some indoor plants in the chill area
A bit of life with some indoor plants in the chill area

by Incorporated / Eric Straudmeier

Living room indoor plants add brightness to your space
Family room with indoor plants that add brightness to your space

by Amoroso Design

Open space living room with indoor plants
Open space living room with indoor plants

by Karin Payson architecture + design / Photo by Matthew Millman

Add Nature in Unexpected Places:

The beauty of a wall art done with plants will always be pleasing to the eyes. The good thing about this is that artificial plants that look more like the natural ones can be used in decorating the walls of your bathroom and bring in more life to the interiors of your home during winter.

plant wall bathroom
Use plants in unexpected places

Image: Dkor Interiors – via

Indoor house plants behind the piano look stylish
Indoor house plants behind the piano look stylish

by Charmean Neithart Interiors / Photo by Stephanie Wiley

Green wall plants in the living room
Green wall plants in the living room

by RE.DZINE / Photo by Jenifer Koskinen- Merritt Design Photo

Welcome Guests with Plants:

In order to get it right here, it is necessary that you get well-matched plant pots that would go with the interior decor of your home, especially the color scheme. Whatever choice of pots you make, they should be such that your plants can thrive in, may be coming with drainage holes and enough room for the plants’ roots. While you can choose from ceramic and clay pots, there are also fiberglass and lightweight plastic pots for you to choose from.

home interiors plants sitting area
Plants warm your corner spaces

 Image via: Incorporated NY – via

How about growing a tree indoors? It looks nothing short of cool!
How about growing a tree indoors? It looks nothing short of cool!

by LineBox Studio

House plants that you throw behind your couch have a certain appeal
House plants that you throw behind your couch have a certain appeal

by Forum Phi

Living room house plants
Living room house plants

by Cablik Enterprises

Indoor plants can bring in a lot of warmth and natural atmosphere into the interiors of your home to kick the winter blues away. The best you can do is to choose the types of plants and pots that would blend with the overall scheme and decor of your home and you are good to go.

Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the architectural and interior design industry for over 13 years. Her architectural background has lent to years of hands on experience with homeowners, construction, and helping people love their homes. Ronique’s passion for finding inspiring and easy[...]

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