You probably thought it would never happen. You love the city; you love the hustle and bustle of London on the weekends, always somewhere to go, something exciting happening, even a night bus to get you home at any hour. And then as you approach your mid 30s something very strange happens. You can’t stay out all night on a Saturday without feeling it on a Monday morning.
Suddenly the idea of clubbing ‘til the sun comes up leaves you feeling wrecked just thinking about it, and you’re starting to realise that it’s actually not all that cool spending a large chunk of your income on rent just so you can live within walking distance of Brick Lane.
If this sounds like you, don’t be alarmed. You’re not the first person to consider moving out of the city and you certainly won’t be the last. And if you’ve decided that you’ve had enough of renting and you’d like to put down some roots then why not consider looking at property in Kent for sale.
Kent has a lot going for it. The countryside is absolutely stunning and the pace of life is a lot more chilled out. Plus, if budget is an issue for you – and let’s face it, it is for most people these days – you’ll find that property in Kent for sale is not quite as pricey in comparison to London. Obviously the same rules apply to a certain extent, so if you live right next to train station the chances are you’ll pay more for that house than a similar one a mile away, but by and large you do get more for your money.
There are plenty of nice towns to consider if you don’t want to become a total country mouse and need to know you can shop if you need to. Or you could decide to settle in one of the many historic villages dotted about the country, and swap your city heels for wellies and your clubs for the village pub.
Before you start looking at property in Kent for sale, why not do some investigation and see which part of the countryside most appeals to you. If you need to commute into London for work, then obviously you’ll need to look at places that are on the railway route, but if you’re thinking of ditching London altogether then why not look for jobs as well as houses? It could be a whole new beginning for you.