A tour through Norwegian-based ceramic designer Silje Aune Eriksen’s beautiful residence showcases how one can add a sense of nostalgia and simplicity to modern design and interiors, without going over the top. Simple shades, soothing colors and sporadic presence of effervescent patterns make up this cool house and add to this warm and plush furnishing and you have a residence that is both unique and inspirational.
As you step in, you instantly notice that the light tone of the rooms has been complemented with contrasting bright and bubbly accessories have been used and the décor has been kept as simple as possible. There seems to be a whole array of colors that vary from the simple whites and grays to the gorgeous oranges and dark black hues. The animal and bird figures and motifs also form part of the rooms as even the kitchen seems to follow a similar pattern. The arrangement of the rooms in certain angles puts forward a messed up look, bringing in some snazzy charm.
The living and dining space is the heart of the design and includes all possible objects that are so curious looking and catchy, while the home study and work space has been ergonomically placed underneath the stairs to save up on some space. Paper and ceramic cartons are used lavishly in a creative fashion and are wonderful conversation starters as you step into this lovely Norwegian home.
The common theme of the home seems to be a rustic charm and uniqueness that comes wrapped in soft colors and a touch of contemporary style; something that seems all too natural for a Nordic setting and style! (found on: Glitter&Pearls)