This exquisite collection of wallpapers by Nama Rococo Wallpaper Studio is sure to put the best of flat paints to shame. The wallpapers, which give your interiors a cool edge, have bright new patterns and a variety of hues that are sure to bring the beauty of your walls to the fore. Nama Rococo, located in the Hudson Valley, was founded by artist Karen Combs in 2005 are famous for their luxurious hand painted, hand printed wallpaper by the sheet.
In the words of the designers at Nama Rococo, their studio thrives off the antique romance of color and pattern, but with a bold and contemporary twist. They take flowing, lively shapes and make them unusually out of the ordinary. Colors of all types move in free form over the paper and into the living space. The reason for selling their wallpapers in sheets, they explain, is because they consider every piece to be a masterpiece in itself, a work of art.