Versatility seems to be a trend that gains more and more designers as the days go by. Each piece of furniture is constructed to be used in multiple ways for storing stuff or meeting new space-saving standards. The piece of furniture we present today is a combination of a coffee table, a stool and an armchair, with an industrial look that captures the viewer and acts as a focal point in a modern space.
Designed by Felix Haeffner and Julia Wolf , the piece of furniture was named Kuli. Being an all-in-one piece with extra storage space, Kuli is made of a steel wire basket with an aluminum board on top. Looking like a wire box, the Kuli Table/Stool/Chair contains many cushions consisting of styrofoam pellets in different sizes so that you can relax on just one or layer multiple cushions to shape a larger and firmer back to lean on. Rubber ropes hocked into the grid allow you to keep the cushions in the same place.