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New concept of petlamps – MiCha Cat Lamps

MiCha lamp is a cat shaped table lamp. Actually, there are several designs of the lamp with cat positions that are so sweet that you just want them all. And that could be a stretch since one MiCha Lamp costs 1.400 euros. The designers, House of Micha, created these aluminium and steel beauties with halogen lighting in four versions: each cat lamp has another stance – from sitting to walking.

MiCha assis(sitting), MiCha en marche(walking), MiCha dos rond(stretching his back) and Baby MiCha assis patapouf (Baby Micha sitting) are the four versions with beautiful names that are waiting for a new home.  Black cats will no longer have a scary meaning once you have a MiCha cat in your home. These are the perfect petlamps. Kuntzel + Deygas created this comforting character for those who do not want just a simple lamp, but an array of feelings and beautiful designs to adorn their tables.

Ada Teicu

Ada always dreamed of transforming her love for writing into a lifestyle. Passionate about all things beautiful, from faithful dogs to homemade cooking or climbing her beautiful homeland mountains, she was very much into interior design and architectural wonders. Ada is from Timisoara, Romania, loves purple and turquoise and her all-time favorite c[...]

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