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Look: Minimalism Enclosed in Fluid Design and Unparalleled Luxury

A kitchen that does more with less – that is the idea behind Snaidero’s latest kitchen Look crafted with class by Michele Marcon Design. While Snaidero does offer other sensational series of kitchens that are both contemporary and ergonomic, none of them come close to the minimal style and aesthetic quality of Look. If your love minimalism and everything that comes attached with it, then this is definitely the kitchen of your dreams as it fuses amazing modularity with smart functionality and cutting-edge design without ever moving away from the minimalist theme.

Exquisite Look composition with panel doors in jute melamine resin and dark ash

Customization that is centered around minimal form is the defining aspect of Look and every little detail inside this kitchen and each modular element has been crafted to fit into this larger, refined picture. With kitchens increasingly becoming a part of the living room visual, Look is crafted to blend in perfectly with the sophisticated contemporary living space ever so effortlessly. Yet, even as a standalone design, the handleless panel doors and recessed finger pulls, smart islands with ample storage space, open shelving units and bespoke wooden worktops combine to create a captivating and relaxing kitchen.

Modular shelving units and cabinets create a fashionable and versatile minimal kitchen

Custom minimal kitchen compositions from Snaidero

Base and cupboard units with distinctive minimal style

Open shelving gives the Look Kitchen an airy and contemporay appeal

Standalone wooden attachment to the kitchen island can be used in a variety of ways

Stunning minimal kitchen design from Michele Marcon for Snaidero

Wooden finishes in the kitchen give it a touch of warmth despite the minimal style

The freestanding and adjustable wooden worktop is one of the most useful features of Look that can be mounted on any base unit and offers ample flexibility in terms of both height and width. Decorative strips that put the final touches on the freestanding units and fabulous shelves ensure that each Look kitchen composition has its own, unmistakable personality despite the minimal sheen.

Multiple and modular units shape your dream minimal kitchen

Handleless panel doors give the kitchen a minimal and sleek look

Adjustable and adaptable woodedn worktop for the Look Kitchen

Recessed finger pulls and handleless doors shape a lovely minimal kitchen

Side table from West Elm holds its own even in the posh, minimal kitchen setting

Smart kitchen worktops turn Look into an absolute dream

Elegant and minimal kitchen Look from Snaidero

Sherry Nothingam

Sherry is a blogger who loves to live her life to the fullest. She enjoys everything associated with design, décor and stylish modern trends. Born in California, Sherry has grown up on open ranches and in a wild setting, which has defined her taste for design and developed her interest in examining how structures and homes interact with the beauti[...]

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